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Become HPV Negative

And Start Living Without the Fear of Cervical Cancer

6 months of support for only 997€

From HPV Fear to HPV Freedom is a membership for you to...

👉 Get rid of HPV anxiety and fear

👉 Discover and conquer your HPV triggers

👉 Become HPV negative, and stay that way!

The simple truth is, you CAN become HPV negative!

You may already have tried on your own, but given up because you doubt your abilities, and lack the knowledge. Not to mention the lack of support which makes it even harder to follow through!

But it’s not your fault... I know you've tried ❤️

🤔 You want to become HPV negative, but instead you feel confused, desperate for a solution, and even more anxious, and stressed than before!

The reality is, without a plan and the right support, you’ll continue to struggle, and it’s not due to a lack of effort on your part…

But, if you don’t change anything now, you might end up with HPV that just keeps coming back and cervical dysplasia which just keeps getting worse.

That’s why I created...

The HPV membership: From HPV Fear to Freedom

This is a membership with all the tools and support you need to become HPV negative, conquer your fear, and regain your health.


A 6-month membership  for you to

👉 Get rid of HPV anxiety and fear

👉 Discover and conquer your HPV triggers

👉 Become HPV negative, and stay that way!

—all without the anxiety and fear of HPV and cervical cancer, or long-term health issues due to LEEP

🌈 When you join the HPV Membership you WILL...

  • 😌 feel less anxious and stressed about your HPV.

  • 🗺️ have a solid health plan to get you HPV negative (And stay that way!)

  • 👭 feel supported and empowered in your health choices.

  • 🌟 simply feel absolutely awesome

🌟 The Emotional any Physical benefits are endless...

  • 🧘‍♀️ Feel calm, and in control, and be able to make the best health decisions for your needs.

  • 💪 Get more energy and feel motivated to implement new health choices.

  • 😊 Experience less worry, fear, and anxiety, and more joy and empowerment without long-term health issues due to LEEP.

  • 🚀 Go from feeling dis-empowered and unsupported to being healthy and HPV negative forever

🚫 And you will stop following crappy advice like...

  • 📱 Searching on Google, Facebook, or Instagram, and following random advice by taking all sorts of suggested supplements

  • 🥗 making a few halfhearted diet changes but feeling discouraged because you are unsure about which changes actually NEED to get results.

  • ⏳ Trying the "Wait and See" approach but it ending up causing yourself more anxiety because ignoring the problem is just not a solution.

🤝 I Get It Because I’ve Been There.

I struggled with HPV and CIN3, stress, and not knowing what was the right thing to do to guarantee results. I tried ignoring it, making a few tweaks here and there after my initial diagnosis, but ended up with CIN3 instead!

Then I launched into action mode, and with the help of a Naturopath, I found my HPV triggers, and really cared about reducing my stress and improving my diet.

Once I figured out how to understand and work on my HPV triggers, my mindset, health, and stress changed forever. I was able to become HPV negative, feel emotionally lighter, and physically healthier, and be in tune with my needs to keep my body HPV free!

And I want the same for you...

The HPV membership: From HPV Fear to Freedom, helps you feel healthier, more energetic, less stressed, and empowered in your health by finding your HPV triggers, improving your immune function, and calming your anxious brain.


It’s unlike any other program because it’s a proven framework that I use successfully with all my 1-on-1 clients!

👉 Whats included in the HPV membership?

Video modules

Highly relevant and informative videos you can listen to these anytime it suits you. These will guide you through my proven strategy on how to become HPV negative. This follows a similar path I use with my 1on1 clients. You will learn to assess and improve your HPV triggers, create a strong immune system, improve your digestion and diet, and decrease your stress and anxiety.

Helpful tools

Every step of the process is supported by helpful tools to guide you through the process of putting together your own, concise treatment protocol for your specific needs to become HPV negative. These tools will help you feel empowered, supported, and in control of your healing journey.

Ongoing support

Group calls with Kristina the HPV Naturopath, every 2 weeks, to ensure you stay on track, and get all your questions answered. My clients have all reported that having support, significantly decreased their anxiety around HPV and increased their confidence in their own ability to heal. People who have support for their healing journey are statistically much more likely to succeed!

Diet resources

Because your diet has such a huge impact on your HPV and overall health, there are plenty of diet resources, recipes, checklists, cheat sheets and more, included in the membership.

Recommended blood test

This is an important part of your treatment protocol as nutrient deficiencies are common in women with HPV. This resources will explain which blood tests to order and how to interpret the results.

Supplement guide

See all the most common supplements I use, in one guide, including dosing, tips on how to use, cautions, and recommended brands.

Community chat

Support each other and get answers from me, to your questions outside of the group calls. The Voxer app is used for the community group chat.

Access to order vaginal pessaries

These bespoke HPV pessaries are highly sought after, and thus far, have only been available to my 1on1 clients. These will boost your healing results for CIN and HPV, and now you also have access to order these in the HPV membership! I am so excited to finally be able to offer these to more women who need them. 😊 These can be shipped worldwide.

Access to order supplements

A supplement protocol where you pick and choose what you need for your specific case, is available for you to order in EU, UK, US, Canada, and Australia. If you live outside of these areas, you can order from the Australian or EU websites, as these ship worldwide, but they will thus be subject to customs duty.

Access to order tests

During the group calls, I may recommend you do some tests specific for your needs, such as hormones, vaginal microbiome, digestive function, food sensitivities. And I will help you order them.

More HPV resources

You will have access to watch past masterclasses and any other workshops or live events happening during your membership time.

Upgrade possibility

If you feel like you need help to get you started, I offer an upgrade to include a 60min 1on1 case taking session and a first treatment protocol with suggested supplements, diet & lifestyle advice and suggested lab tests. This upgrade is 550€ and can only be booked in months 1 and 2 of the membership.

Continued support

As a member, you will be able to continue the HPV support for as long as you wish, for a monthly fee after the 6 months membership is over!

You are getting value for over 3000€ here 🦹‍♀️

And you are only paying 997€ for this life-changing 6 month membership 🤩

This is what my clients have said about working with me:

Jill from New York

“I’m in shock and disbelief, the biopsy on the same area that said CIN2 last time, now says NO HPV DETECTED! I am so grateful I found you and get to work with you. Thank you sooooo much for your guidance and care.”

Ewa from Poland

"Working with you was a game changer for me. First of all, to have someone I can talk about this issue with, and second that you gave some much motivation and faith I can make it fast.
I remember on my first visit when the doctor said I should consider a laser, where now I have been told it is not needed and it looks like I am on a good way. It took me 5 months to make a progress, and I am extremely happy about that.
Again big thank you! This is impressive what you do!"

Maya from Luxembourg

“I am glad to share with you that I am HPV negative!! Makes me so happy to be done with HPV , THANK YOU!!”

Roisin from Australia

"It's amazing, I'm so happy with my progress and outcome. My last PAP and colposcopy results show so much progress! Thank you for your help so far. Very keen to keep going!"

Cecilie from Sweden

"100% recommend! Great information about how to handle the fear/thought process and how to deal with HPV!"

Yasmin from UK

"The videos are really supportive and informative, a must know for anyone with HPV. They are backed with evidence, care and support."

🌟 And I Want You To Get Results Like These Too 🌟

Is This Right For You?

This Is Right For You If You Are...

  • ✅ Ready to make the changes to finally become HPV negative

  • ✅ Willing to put in 10-15 min of time a day to complete the modules to create your treatment plan

  • ✅ Ready to STOP the "wait and see" and start taking action to get real results

  • ✅ Willing to overcome your fears to be empowered in your health decisions and become HPV negative forever!

This Is NOT Right For You If You Are...

  • ❌ Not prepared to make the necessary changes in your life to create your HPV-free life

  • ❌ Pregnant, breastfeeding, have CIN3, or have important chronic diseases. If this is the case, book a call, and we can discuss if my 1-on-1 program is the right choice for you instead!

  • ❌ Unable to put in the time for self study. Again, my 1 on 1 will be the better option for you.

  • ❌ Deadset on just taking a few supplements and ignoring your diet and lifestyle... then the HPV membership is NOT for you


I'm just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that doesn’t get results.

I'm extremely proud of the products I create, and I know anyone who buys and implements them will be thrilled with their purchase.

That's why I'm offering a 15-day money-back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that the HPV membership will work for everyone, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the product.

Of course, if you're not happy with the HPV membership, I will refund your money within 15 days of your purchase.


What’s standing in the way of you finally becoming HPV negative, feeling healthy, and empowered?

I know how hard it can be to take the first step. That's why I designed HPV membership to make it easy for you by providing a comprehensive plan, continuous support, and all the tools you need to succeed.

When you click the button below, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you can enter your payment information. 👇

  • I am pregnant/breastfeeding, is the HPV membership still for me?
    I advise you to choose the 1on1 HPV Program if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as this requires closer monitoring and support.
  • When does the HPV membership start?
    You can access most of the features of the HPV membership straight after purchase. Since this is a new offer, some of the features may not be release yet and will be available in the coming weeks and months.
  • I have genital warts, or I just have HPV with no dysplasia, is this course also for me?
    The HPV membership focuses on HPV with cervical dysplasia, but ALL advice for HPV can be applied to your case if you have genital warts or HPV with no dysplasia. And you can get specific advice in the group calls.
  • How much support and feedback do I get?
    You have a live group call twice a month and you have access to the Voxer app where you can ask questions at other times
  • I just need someone to tell me what to do, is this program for me?
    The HPV membership requires time and effort on your part. If you wish for a more done for you program I recommend you choose the 1on1 HPV Program with me instead. This is much more guided and there is less time commitment from your part.
  • Can you also send me supplements and pessaries?
    You have access to order pessaries from me and supplements from local partner distributors depending on the country you live in
  • What is the time commitment in the HPV membership?
    There are 6 modules each with a 1 hour video to watch and worksheets and questionnaires to do aswell. Additionally we have our group call twice per month. And however long you need to implement the diet and lifestyle changes you commit to.
  • I already had a LEEP and am currently HPV negative. Will I still find value in the HPV Membership?
    Absolutely yes! By exploring your health in-depth, you’ll uncover your imbalances, triggers, and needs. You’ll become healthier and strengthen your immune system, which will help you to ward off any HPV reinfections or new HPV strains you may encounter. But more importantly, having a healthier body and stronger immune system works for ALL women! If you're telling yourself that having a healthier body and stronger immune system doesn’t work for you, what I would encourage you to do is dive deep into why you're telling yourself that this. What's really going on here? What’s the limiting belief? What’s the story you’re telling yourself? What are you afraid of?
  • What if I don't like one of the modules offered in the HPV membership?
    Valid question. I don't actually expect you to love every single module. In fact, the reason there are so many features is that I want you to receive support in whatever way you need. So, you can pick and choose how and when you receive support. BUT, the BEST results are seen when you work on ALL modules to cover all the areas in your life. Often, the modules that women like the least are the ones they need MOST help in. But if they are resistant to change, they might look for excuses to avoid going out of their comfort zone. If you don’t like a module, you might need to ask yourself WHY. Remember, I approach everything from a holistic point of view. When it comes to helping you become HPV-negative, I don’t do “cookie-cutter” strategies. We're all unique, and we all need unique support and help in different ways. It's my goal to meet you where YOU are, and serve and support you in whatever way works best for you. Most importantly, I help you see and experience results.
  • How much should I budget for supplements each month?
    I always advise to expect 80-200€ per month for the first 6 months. But you can adapt according to your budget.
  • I had Leep surgery, can I still benefit from the HPV Membership?
    Ofcourse! You may be HPV negative right now, after your LEEP, but if you continue your life as before your LEEP, chances are, the HPV will come back. Even if you are HPV negative, this course is GREAT prevention for HPV to come back!

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©2023 by Naturopathy by K.

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