Calling all Women with HPV
Become HPV Negative without invasive surgery
put your cervical cancer fears away forever.

Are you sick of…
Worrying about your HPV turning into cancer?
Not having the knowledge you need to heal your cervix and make empowered health choices
Being compliant and nodding your head to gynecological procedures that just don’t feel right to you?
Feeling alone and embarrassed about talking about your HPV?
Not knowing where to start your healing journey in the jungle of information on the internet?

Deciding to have a LEEP or Conization because you felt like you had no other choice…
Applying the “wait and see” approach recommended by your Gynecologist…
Making some changes to your diet like cutting out soft drinks, or eating more green vegetables…
Taking a few supplements you read another peer recommending on her online page about her HPV healing journey…
Ferociously researching information on google, and joining several Facebook groups for Women with HPV to find the answer…
You have HPV, and maybe you already tried to fix it by…
But none of it has really made a difference, has it?
You still feel worried, and you still have HPV…
It’s time to say goodbye to your HPV worries and insecurities and learn how to put together your own concise healing roadmap, personalized to your unique situation to maximize your healing potential….
and feel empowered and confident in your healing choices.

Imagine if…
You were worry-free about HPV and cervical cancer…
And you would feel empowered and confident in your health choices
And you knew exactly how to support your body and mind, and give it the fuel that it needs
And you were confident in your sex life and meeting new partners
And you would feel confident and relaxed about the result of your next pap smear
…this is how it should be, and how can be for you, too!
So, are you ready for my simple step by step plan? Are you ready to be HPV and cervical cancer worry-free and feel great in your own body again?
I am inviting you to join the
HPV Negative forever
Online Program
a 12-week online program for Women with HPV just like you.
Designed to show you the exact steps and give you all the templates you need to learn about your HPV root cause and create a unique healing roadmap designed just for you, to start your holistic and non-invasive healing journey today.

+ I want you to love it!
I get it, in times like these, even small investments make you think twice. So, I am helping you feel safe. If you buy this amazing, health transforming course today, you will be able to get a 100% refund within 15 days with my money back guarantee.
So, if at ANY time in the next 30 days, you think this course is not at least worth the investment you are making today, then you can email me anytime and let me know, and I will refund you in full!
So, you literally have nothing to lose, and all to gain!
Start your healing journey today!

How it works
See all the amazing program details below

Module 1
Set yourself up for healing success, by identifying your life and healing priorities using questionnaires and worksheets to identify your routines, health weaknesses, potentials for changes, your ideals for the future and how to start today by making changes to get there

Module 3
Identify the weaknesses of your body using my three pillars method of assessing the health of your immune, gut and stress function, and how they are linked to your HPV. Using live video, a comprehensive health questionnaire and guided questions, you will learn more about the inner workings of your body and which areas are crucial for you to work on to get rid of your HPV by treating your root causes.

Module 5
Boost your healing outcome by identifying and assessing your fears and starting positive and healthy routines for your mind, to build resilience and stamina for your healing journey.

Module 2
Understand your HPV and start implementing your first changes for your physical health. Reflecting on your past healing attempts to help guide your future choices. Using live video, questionnaires, and worksheets to guide you, you will learn more about your HPV, and how to set goals that will work for you!

Module 4
Identify the best healing methods and supplements for your healing journey and link them to your symptoms and healing goals. Using Live videos, questionnaires and worksheets, you will also be able to assess your budget and time commitment to these healing methods, to ensure you have a sustainable solution you can commit to long term.

Module 6
Using ALL the information of the past modules, you will have a comprehensive roadmap at the end of this module. This roadmap will be your guide and companion for the next many months of your healing journey. Using live video and step by step worksheets, you will be able to put together and implement your personalized healing plan with my support. It will leave you feeling empowered and in charge of your healing journey!
👉 Personalized support to enhance your chances of healing success
Monthly Q&A sessions to answer all your questions and to review your healing roadmap and suggest supplements for you
Dedicated, Voxer contact group where you can ask me all your questions and share your wins and losses
Access to purchase high quality practitioner-only supplements not available in normal retail (This applies only to Europe, US, Canada and Australia)

FREE Bonuses included in your HPV course
HPV diet do’s and don’ts – Curious about which foods you should or shouldn’t eat when trying to heal from HPV? This handy guide to hang on your fridge with help you make decisions when I comes to everyday food choices.
Value 119€
Easy Wok meal template – Lost for ideas how to cook healthy meals? This easy guide will help you cook healthy, easy, and delicious meals for you every day.
Value 199€
Food and symptoms diary – Track your food intake and all your symptoms every day to be able see patterns and triggers and get to the root cause of your symptoms
Value 149€
Healthy breakfast reset routine – Improving your breakfast can have a big impact on living healthier overall. Get some tips and ideas on how you can improve your breakfast routine starting today.
Value 199€
Herbal supplements cheat sheet for HPV – Get the shortcut version to see all herbs at a glance
Value 179€
Nutritional supplements cheat sheet for HPV – Get the shortcut version to see all nutritional supplements at a glance
Value 179€
Laboratory tests to consider – Understand the various lab tests and what they are good for.
Value 249€
Total value: 1273€
and you get it all for FREE!
What Women Say About Working With Me..
Thank you for your knowledge and what you shared with us. So from this course, I know what HPV is and that there is a possibility to heal in a natural way. Overall everything was good I liked that the videos were short and on point with what you mentioned to present. The homework was great and that also build a challenge to think about the problem what is really bothering us and where we have issues thinking about the solutions made me realize I can do that. So thank you again for all.
Edina L.
Kristina really grounded me and reassured me that I can heal from HPV and that fear is the wrong place to work from. It gave me a positive outlook. The videos were short and easy to consume. The homework was very clear and actionable and really resonated with me. Thank you K.
Isabelle B.
I was just broken and mad at the world because of my disease and I didn't know what to do but I did my research and I found hope I knew there would be hope again I as on the verge of just completely giving up but something in the back of me told me to keep going so I get every morning knowing there is hope and something I can do about it I cried but I picked up my head and stuck my chest out and I said I got this and I do got this but the hardest part of life is feeling disgusting and not wanting to be touched or loved but I know I want to be loved and not pushed away or thought of less than because of my disease I wanna be free of feeling less than I'm strong I'm resilient I can bet anything that comes my way my win at the HPV healing challenge has reassured me that I can overcome and conquer.
Lizzy L.
It was a great, uplifting journey being here. What helped me the most is the assistance in gaining awareness that I can heal from HPV naturally. K was very kind to all of us, she answered every single question in the group.
Dora G.

Hey there!
I’m Kristina + I really love natural therapies
I’m a Naturopath specialized in HPV, and I get really nerdy about all things holistic when it comes to healing the cervix, and I am the founder of Naturopathy by K., your HPV hub where cervical healing has been the achieved by many women around the globe. I truly believe that HPV can be treated without using invasive methods, and that we need more non-invasive options for women’s health in general. I have made it my mission and passion to reach as many women as I am able to, to spread empowerment in holistic cervical healing.
Are you ready…
To stop feeling bullied into medical procedures you don’t feel comfortable with?
To stop spending time on researching information without knowing what you can rely on?
To stop worrying about your next PAP smear?
To start feeling empowered and confident in your healing choices and feel great in your body again?

This course IS for you if:
👍 You are ready to start taking ownership your own health decisions
👍 You are willing to put in the time, effort and commitment you need to implement REAL change in your life
👍 You are passionate about making positive changes to your life

This course if NOT for you if:
❌ You are looking for the one magic pill to solve all your health issues
❌ You are NOT willing to put in the work
❌ You find navigating your own health decisions too overwhelming and do better with just being told what to do

+ I want you to love it!
I get it, in times like these, even small investments make you think twice. So, I am helping you feel safe. If you buy this amazing, health transforming course today, you will be able to get a 100% refund within 30 days with my money back guarantee.
So, if at ANY time in the next 30 days, you think this course is not at least worth the investment you are making today, then you can email me anytime and let me know, and I will refund you in full!
So, you literally have nothing to lose, and all to gain!
Start your healing journey today!

✔️ 12 weeks of online HPV learning and support
✔️ Video trainings with me, the HPV nerd!
✔️ Access and support in the exclusive private Voxer group
✔️ Access to purchase high quality practitioner only supplements
✔️ Bonuses worth over 1200€
I am pregnant/breastfeeding, is the HPV membership still for me?I advise you to choose the 1on1 HPV Program if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as this requires closer monitoring and support.
When does the HPV membership start?You can access most of the features of the HPV membership straight after purchase. Since this is a new offer, some of the features may not be release yet and will be available in the coming weeks and months.
I have genital warts, or I just have HPV with no dysplasia, is this course also for me?The HPV membership focuses on HPV with cervical dysplasia, but ALL advice for HPV can be applied to your case if you have genital warts or HPV with no dysplasia. And you can get specific advice in the group calls.
How much support and feedback do I get?You have a live group call twice a month and you have access to the Voxer app where you can ask questions at other times
I just need someone to tell me what to do, is this program for me?The HPV membership requires time and effort on your part. If you wish for a more done for you program I recommend you choose the 1on1 HPV Program with me instead. This is much more guided and there is less time commitment from your part.
Can you also send me supplements and pessaries?You have access to order pessaries from me and supplements from local partner distributors depending on the country you live in
What is the time commitment in the HPV membership?There are 6 modules each with a 1 hour video to watch and worksheets and questionnaires to do aswell. Additionally we have our group call twice per month. And however long you need to implement the diet and lifestyle changes you commit to.
I already had a LEEP and am currently HPV negative. Will I still find value in the HPV Membership?Absolutely yes! By exploring your health in-depth, you’ll uncover your imbalances, triggers, and needs. You’ll become healthier and strengthen your immune system, which will help you to ward off any HPV reinfections or new HPV strains you may encounter. But more importantly, having a healthier body and stronger immune system works for ALL women! If you're telling yourself that having a healthier body and stronger immune system doesn’t work for you, what I would encourage you to do is dive deep into why you're telling yourself that this. What's really going on here? What’s the limiting belief? What’s the story you’re telling yourself? What are you afraid of?
What if I don't like one of the modules offered in the HPV membership?Valid question. I don't actually expect you to love every single module. In fact, the reason there are so many features is that I want you to receive support in whatever way you need. So, you can pick and choose how and when you receive support. BUT, the BEST results are seen when you work on ALL modules to cover all the areas in your life. Often, the modules that women like the least are the ones they need MOST help in. But if they are resistant to change, they might look for excuses to avoid going out of their comfort zone. If you don’t like a module, you might need to ask yourself WHY. Remember, I approach everything from a holistic point of view. When it comes to helping you become HPV-negative, I don’t do “cookie-cutter” strategies. We're all unique, and we all need unique support and help in different ways. It's my goal to meet you where YOU are, and serve and support you in whatever way works best for you. Most importantly, I help you see and experience results.
How much should I budget for supplements each month?I always advise to expect 80-200€ per month for the first 6 months. But you can adapt according to your budget.
I had Leep surgery, can I still benefit from the HPV Membership?Ofcourse! You may be HPV negative right now, after your LEEP, but if you continue your life as before your LEEP, chances are, the HPV will come back. Even if you are HPV negative, this course is GREAT prevention for HPV to come back!